
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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School Council

Welcome to our School Council page

Eddie Estron is our Rights Respecting Alien and he is the mascot of our School Council.


Our school council consists of members from each pupil voice group, brought together to share ideas, bring agenda items to meetings and to share their ideas of how they want their school and curriculum to be.


Our targets for this year are:


1. Turn the school development targets into pupil friendly language and share these with all pupils


2. Roll out the new Class Dojo rewards plan across all classes


3. Learn about democracy in Wales and ensure we uphold our democracy in Mayals Primary


4. Make sure Pupil Voice plays a part in all aspects of our school development

Meet our School Council 2022-23

Tell us your view

Do you have a question or idea for School council? Please use this form or speak to one of our members.
