
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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Blwyddyn 5

Croeso i’r Dosbarth 5


Welcome to Year 5 Class!


Meet the team…

Welcome back after the Summer break. I hope you all had lovely holiday and enjoyed the fantastic weather. It will be a busy first term in Year 5! I would like this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Year 5, in this newsletter I hope to give you some useful information and some ideas about the topics and areas of the curriculum we are studying this term and what the children have already planned to learn. I am looking forward to building positive partnerships with all parents and guardians, in order to ensure the best possible learning experience for the children. If you have any queries, questions or concerns then please feel free to contact me in school.     

Mr T Owen
This term’s topics are… 

Alchemy Island







How you can help your child

* Practise times tables with your child.

* Read as much as possible and question your child about the text they are reading.


Useful Information



Class Homework (out on Friday in on Wednesday)

Reading (Every night if possible as this is so important)



Reading books:

Please read with your child every night (or as often as possible) for at least 10 minutes.  They should bring their reading books to school every day.



PE days and required kit:

Games kit will be needed on a Thursday. Children can wear their PE kit to school should they wish (so trainers and clothes suitable for outdoors).




This term we will continue to push spelling accurately in our work and trying to make spelling fun. All children will be given spellings each week to learn and will be assessed through activities during the week.
