
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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Croeso i'r Dosbarth Derbyn

Welcome to Reception



Shwmae a Croeso / Welcome to our Reception class page. On this page I will introduce you to our exciting topics and give you some information on the wonderful things we do in Reception. There are also some useful links for learning at home at the bottom of this page.


If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me via email or class DOJO.


Mrs Meredith



 Helping Your child at home 

  • Read every day , share story books and rhymes , these are very important activities to prepare your child for reading  
  • Homework - help your child with their homework activities'
  • Teach your child to dress themselves - I know it's quicker to dress them in the mornings but it is an important skill they need for school laugh


Useful Info

  • Homework will be sent home every Friday, generally it will be practising and reinforcing skills learnt in school this week . To be returned to school by the following Wednesday
  • Reading books and sounds and words to learn will be sent home every Friday to be returned to school the following Wednesday
  • P.E. is on a Wednesday. Children need to have their kit in school . Tshirt in group colour (available from school office) Black or navy shorts. This is where dressing themselves becomes important ! I would suggest they wear clothes that are easy to put on e.g. no tights.
  • Snack - all children are given a healthy snack every day . The charge for this is £1 a week . You can pay weekly, termly or annually. 


Our topic this term is Sunshine and Sunflowers

This seasonal project provides opportunities for outdoor learning and teaches children how to care for the plants and animals in their local environment and how to stay safe in the sun.















Summer Newsletter

Useful links

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To

Tricky Words and High Frequency Song
