
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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Croeso I’r Dosbarth Meithrin

Welcome to Nursery Class

Meet the team











Mrs Edwards (Class Teacher)





             Miss Morgan

      Miss James




Welcome to our class page! On this page I will introduce you to our exciting new topics and give you some information about what we will be doing in class and how you can help your child at home. There are also some useful links for learning at home at the bottom of this page.  If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact me in school or on our class Dojo.


Mrs Edwards




This Term’s Topic is 

How many pebbles on the beach?



We will be exploring these questions, how many pebbles on the beach? Which creatures live by the sea? and more in this topic about the seashore. We will also be continuing our phonic immersion programme, learning about a different sound each week.




How can you help?

Read to and with your child every day (10 minutes makes a big difference)

Practice writing their name (copying, overwriting or tracing)

Look for sounds and count things in your everyday situations, for example while out shopping or on a walk.

Help your child to become independent in dressing, undressing and toileting.

Label everything! Please put your child’s name on Clothes, bags, shoes and anything else they bring into school.


Class Information


PE -  On a Tuesday we will have a PE. Children can wear their PE kits to school to avoid getting changed. We will be doing PE outside, so please ensure that your is wearing suitable clothes for outdoors. 


Welly Wednesday - We will be exploring our school grounds and taking part in outdoor learning, please bring named wellies for your child to keep in school.


Library books - Every Friday your child will come home with a book to share. We will have looked at these books within out guided reading sessions over the week.



Snack Money -  Your child will be provided with milk or water every day, we also give the children a healthy snack (fruit,carrot sticks,cereal) at the cost of £1 a week. You can pay this weekly, half termly or termly. Please let us know if your child has any specific dietary requirements.

Jolly Phonics - A - Z Alphabet Song

Jolly Phonics - A - Z Alphabet Song
