
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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We are very fortunate to be supported by such a dedicated Governing body here at Mayals Primary.

With a wide repertoire of experience and talents, they play an influential role in the running, monitoring and evaluating of school processes.


If you would like to know more about our Governing Body, please leave a message with our school office, and our newly appointed Chair (Rachael Webb) or our newly appointed clerk (Pippa Barrow) will gladly get back to you.


Below is a list of the current members:


Rachael Webb (Chair)Community Governor
Gwen Bezodis (Vice Chair)Parent Governor
Jodie Gilmore-JonesTeacher Governor
Sophie MilesStaff Governor
Felicity PadleyLA Governor
Brian ArthurLA Governor
Tracy RichardsLA Governor
Rebecca FogartyAdditional Community Governor
Hywel GriffithsCommunity Governor
Ian ThompsonCommunity Governor
Sara Khoshbin-SmithParent Governor
Siwan EtheridgeParent Governor
Dan EvansParent Governor
Pippa BarrowClerk to Governors
Mark RobinsonCo-opted Governor

