RSE – Relationships and Sexuality Education
at Mayals Primary School
Information for parents and carers.
All children have the right to information, to be listened to, should be well-cared for and kept safe, and have the right to privacy. These rights are listed below as articles taken from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Article 12 The right to say what you think should happen and to be listened to
Article 19 The right to be looked after and kept safe
Article 16 The right to privacy
Article 13 The right to information
What will be taught in RSE ?
3 main strands:
Relationships and Identity – Helping learners develop the skills that will support them in maintaining healthy, safe and fulfilling relationships throughout their lives. To recognise and value all types of relationships.
Sexual health and well being- Understanding how living things grow and the importance of maintaining personal health and wellbeing including hygiene and how this impacts on others.
Empowerment , safety and respect- Building on the positive behaviours and skills of healthy relationships. Developing empathy, kindness and compassion towards each other.
These themes will be covered at age appropriate levels from 3- 11.
We will approach this in a number of ways :
In Primary schools we will be covering The Phases 1 and 2 section of the code.
If you have any concerns, questions or queries, please do come in and speak to us!