
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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C.I.A (Community in Action) (Previously known as the PTA)

Our School CIA (Community in Action) is a driving force in the school!  


Re-branded this year, we signify everything CIA related with the colour yellow.


Mrs Sue Owen, Mrs Deb Davey and Mrs Michelle Criddle are always looking for ways that we can work together in making our school better for our children.


If you have any good ideas or are ever available to help our CIA, all efforts are most gratefully received.  Call in to see us any time or use the contact form below ...

CIA Contact Form

If you have a good idea, or a question for our PTA, please let them know by completing the form below ....

Mayals C.I.A - Easy Fundraising

Easy fundraising explained in 60 seconds - an easy way to help raise funds for our children and our school!
