Dear Parents / Carers,
As you are aware, we are open as normal today. Last night, there was little change to the advice and guidance that has been given by local authority. As soon as this changes, I will be sure to inform you as soon as possible.
Despite there being no current change in advice; due to the ongoing, and escalating COVID-19 issues, we are working with our Bishopston Cluster of schools to ensure that we are able to maintain the health and safety of all our pupils in school.
As a cluster, we have put together the following Maintaining Learning Plan (below) in order to plan for the potential lack of staff, and it is important that you are aware of the measures that we may need to take, should it prove necessary.
I can only apologise for not being able to give you more information on timing, as we are dealing with the scenario changing daily. Can I again reassure you though, that all measures that we are putting in place have the wellbeing needs of our children and families firmly at the core.
Step 1 |
School open as normal:
Notes: Any families / staff self-isolating – will do so for 14 days – if child attends before that time we will send them back home.
Step 2 |
School is open; if staffing is predicted to be low:
Notes: All non-self-isolating staff will attend school. Early Years staff to be deployed throughout the school.
Step 3 |
School is open; if staffing is predicted to be critically low:
Notes: All non-self-isolating staff will attend school. Foundation Phase staff to be deployed throughout the school.
Step 4 |
School is closed; If the school has been instructed to close by LA / Government
Along with the plan, we have been asked to reiterate the vital direction given on Monday regarding self-isolation, which states:
If anyone in a household is showing symptoms of COVID-19 namely a new persistent cough and/or fever, everyone in that house should self-isolate for 14 days.
Please check the latest advice regarding self-isolation as it is getting stricter by the day.
As I mentioned earlier, we will continue to monitor the advice regarding possible school closures, and when any more details become clear, as ever, we will keep you fully informed as the situation develops. We will try, as much as possible, to give you as much advance notice as we can.
I would again like to thank you all for your support and cooperation at these difficult times. As always, if you have any concerns, question or queries regarding the current situation please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes,
Mr. Cox