Dear Parents / Carers,
We fully understand that this is a difficult time for everyone; full of uncertainty and constantly changing messages. Guidance that we are receiving, as schools, is being updated on a regular basis to reflect current national advice.
As a school, we wanted to pass on the most recent information that we have been given. We hope that the information will help go some way to helping reassure parents and children that we are all working together to keep everyone healthy.
We have been told to monitor the latest advice from Welsh Government by using the following link: . We have also attached the letter that schools have received from the Director of Education for Swansea, Nick Williams.
As days pass, we are sure that the messages given to educational settings across the country will change. As soon as we have more up to date knowledge, we will immediately share this with our school community.
Should you have any concerns, questions or queries please do come in and see us.
Kind regards,
Mr. L. Cox