Dear Parents / Carers,
I sincerely hope that this letter finds you, and your families, well !
This is truly a remarkable time, where we are all getting used to living in a very different way. We miss being in school with the children, but hope that they have started establishing new routines and are busy making the most of their time at home.
Home Learning:
Our teachers have been looking closely at the work that children have been accessing on Hwb, Sumdog and TT Rockstars. Most children have made a very good start!
Please remember that we would love you to share what you have been doing. Either share it with your teacher’s Hwb address, with me (CoxL32) or by tagging us in a Tweet on Twitter (@MayalsSchool).
Over the next week, staff will be adding more resources to the ‘Home Learning’ packs, but if you are looking for something different to do in the meantime, why not try out some of the links below:
Learn how to tell the time,
Learn how to tie your shoelaces,
Learn how to make a meal,
Learn how to get yourself dressed,
Learn how to tidy your room at the end of every day,
Or even, learn the words so you can sing along to your Mum or Dad’s favourite song.
Moving Forward:
As you know, we are all dealing with the changing picture of this crisis on a daily basis. This week, school staff have been providing emergency childcare for the children of ‘Essential Key Workers’ at Bishopston Comprehensive. This is due to continue next week. There has currently been no information or indication as to when schools in Swansea will re-open for all pupils. As and when we receive any information, we will be sure to share it with you.
Please remember, we are here should you need to contact us during the time of school closure. This can be done through the contact page on the new school website, or through email to We will try our best to get back to you the same day.
Wishing you all the best of health at this very difficult time.
Take care,
Mr. Cox