Dear Parents / Carers,
I do hope that you are all keeping well?!
Can I firstly thank all of those that completed the short questionnaire, which we sent out last week. Around two thirds of families responded, which was very helpful!
Following on from that, can I apologise for the barrage of emails that you are receiving from us, at the moment. As you can imagine, we are receiving new information on a daily basis, and we are trying to ensure that we keep you as fully informed as possible.
Please find a link below, that will direct you to another questionnaire. We have been asked, by the local authority, to send this out, and ask that all parents please complete it by June 10th. It is important that you have your say, as the information you give will be fed back through the local authority, not the school.
As a school, we will be looking to share more information with you by the end of this week. Until then, we would like to thank you for supporting us in managing the current situation and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to Mayals, safely, in the coming weeks.
Best wishes, as always,
Mr. Cox