
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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Parent / Carer Update - 17.07.20

Dear parents and carers, 


As always, I hope that this letter finds you well?!


It has been another brilliant week in school.  Over the week, we have been thrilled to welcome back over 150 of our children.  Along with this, we have enjoyed a (socially-distant) Teddy Bears’ Picnic, with our Nursery pupils; and have also managed to arrange one last get together, for our Year 6 children.  It has been a fantastic way to end the school year… at the end of a very turbulent few months!


Before sharing some final messages, and outlining our plans for September, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all, one last time.


Your hard work, support and kindness, over the past year (and particularly over the past few months), has meant a lot to us, at the school.  Along with this, it has confirmed the strength that we have, within our school community.  Seeing how well the children have returned to school, over the past three weeks, is testament to how well our families have done!  Thank you!


We hope that you all stay well, and enjoy the summer break.  We are already looking forward to welcoming you all back in September!  Please remember that we are still available, should you need us, over the summer. 


Best wishes,

Mr. Leon Cox




Letters from the Director of Education


We have been asked to pass on two letters, from Nick Williams (Director of Education for Swansea).  One is made out to the pupils, the other, to Parents and School Staff.  Both letters can be accessed, by clicking on the links below:


Letter to Pupils -


Letter to Parents and Staff -



Video Messages


It has been impossible for us to undertake our normal transition activities this year, to prepare the children for moving to the next class.  Over the past week, we have made opportunities for our teachers to drop in, and introduce themselves to their new class, however, we are very aware that some children may have missed this.

For this reason, our teaching staff have recorded short video messages; giving a little bit of information about themselves.  These will be posted on Class Dojo.  Could we ask that you please share them with your children. 


I have also recorded a short message, to the children, which can be found by clicking the following link:


We will be sending out more information, closer to September.






I am sorry to say, that we are frequently having an increasing number of teenagers entering the school premises, after school hours.  What did begin, as small groups playing football, has now escalated into large groups using the equipment, and leaving a substantial mess behind them.

We have reported this to the Police, on several occasions, and they have asked that if parents / carers witness people trespassing, and are happy to call the police, please do so by calling 101.  Any support you could give us in this matter, would be massively appreciated.



Outline Plans for September


Please find the broad outline of our plans to return, in September.  Please bear in mind, that all plans are subject to change - we have made them, in line with current guidance, and if this should change over the summer break, then so too will our plans.

We will be back in touch, with all families, during the last weeks of the summer break to add further detail, and to notify you of any changes.  However, should you have any concerns, suggestions or queries, in the meantime, please do get in touch.


  • As legislated by the Welsh Government, and in line with local authority guidance, all schools should open to all pupils, by September 14th.  It is our intention, at Mayals, to do this before the stipulated date.


  • We will have two closure days, at the very start of the year (Tuesday, September 1st and Wednesday, September 2nd). 


  • All children, from Year 1 to Year 6, will return on Thursday September 3rd.


  • For the first day, children (and staff) will return to their previous classes.  For example, current Year 5 (July 2020) will return to Year 5.  We believe that this approach will help to reduce anxieties over the summer, as children will be returning to a familiar teacher.  We also believe it will enable us to have a more informed ‘check in’ when we return.


  • The second day will consist of transition activities (preparing the children for the move to their new class).  The children will then be ready to begin in their new class, on Monday September 7th.


  • Reception and Nursery children will begin attending (in staggered form), from Monday September 7th.

Class teachers will be in touch to provide more information to parents.


  • School start and finish times will continue to be staggered.  We will also continue to operate a one way system for entering / exiting the school.  There will be amendments to these processes, which will be shared before September.


  • There will be NO Breakfast Club or After School Club provision, for at least the first two weeks.  We are hoping to have these up and running, however, from Monday September 14th.


  • There will be NO lunches provided by school, for at least the first two weeks.  All children must bring a packed lunch with them.


  • Break times and lunch times will continue to be staggered.


  • Risk assessments and measures, will still be in place, to minimise the risk of cross-infection.  Such as; minimising the mixing of year groups, and minimising the sharing of resources.


  • We will be looking to deliver a full and balanced curriculum, although our initial focus will be to monitor wellbeing, as well as assessing and addressing the potential fall in literacy / numeracy skills.


  • The school has made detailed contingency plans, which will be implemented in the event of a second wave of the Covid19 virus.




Thank you once again.  We look forward to seeing you, in September.


Best wishes,

Mr. Leon Cox

