Dear Parents / Carers,
I hope that this newsletter finds you all well ?!
Unbelievably, we have just finished our ninth week of school closure, and in fact, today is actually the last day of half term. This is definitely a difficult time for many, and not at all how we envisioned moving into the last half term of the year.
However, this crisis has shown how resilient and strong we can all be; and has also confirmed what a collectively brilliant school community we have, here at Mayals. When we do finally return to ‘normality’, I am sure that our school will be stronger for it!
Please find all recent updates / information below. Could I also ask you to please share this information with any families that you think are not receiving it?
As always, if you have any concerns, questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes to you all,
Mr. Leon Cox
Video Message to the Children: I have recorded another short video message to the children. I will post the video on Class Dojo this evening. |
Half Term: As next week is officially half term, we will not be setting ‘Home Learning’ for the week. It will be a good opportunity for children (and parents) to recharge batteries; and to not have the pressure of having to complete the set tasks.
If you would still like to access work for your children, however, there are still links on our school website or there are some lovely activities that can be accessed through:
Staff will still be providing emergency childcare for key workers, throughout the week, but half term will also be a chance for them to ‘recharge their batteries’. Could I please ask you to refrain from directly messaging the staff, via Class Dojo, throughout the week – and if there is anything that you need, to contact me instead ( Many thanks for your understanding and support with this. |
Trips / Residentials: As I mentioned in my last update, we have unfortunately had the sad news that both our residential trips have now been cancelled.
Mrs Lomas is in the process of organising refunds to parents. Year 6 parents, should be expecting cheques to be delivered by post (please let us know if you do not receive these soon). We are still trying to process information for the Year 3 and Year 4 trip. We will notify you of the arrangements as soon as they have been finalised. |
Free School Meals: This week, the processes in place to cater for Free School Meals families, has changed. As a school, we have made efforts to try and contact every parent that we have on our eligibility list, however we have not been able to get through to some. If you believe that you are eligible, could I please urge you to check your email inbox (and junk inbox) or contact the school as soon as possible, so that we may support you through the process. If you would prefer to contact the local authority directly, the contact email is - |
Thank you: This week we received a very thoughtful donation from the Swansea Bay Health Board Fundraising team. We were able to collect around £250 worth of Lego sets, for us to use within the emergency childcare Hub. During the time of school closure, we have had some incredibly kind offers and donations from our parents, and the wider school community. We haven’t been able to access them all, but can I say a massive thank you for your kindness and generosity! Saying this, we continue to be on the lookout for grants / support that we may be able to access; particularly to help us with preparing our school for whatever measures we have to put in place, when we start to return. If you are aware of any / or able to access any support, please do let us know. |
Moving Forward: As I mentioned above, we have started to think about the practicalities and measures that we may put in place, when we do return to school. However, in Wales, we are yet to have any sign of a date or any real idea of what school may look like. I believe that across the nation, we will all be closely watching how ‘school life’ develops in England, over the coming weeks, and lessons from this will guide how the Welsh Government responds in turn. As soon as we have any clearer information, I will be sure to pass it on. |
Reports: If you have not already done so, could I please ask you to forward this information to your child’s class teacher. The information that your child gives will be included in their report. We are sorry but anyone who doesn’t return this information will not have the information in their child’s report. Many thanks!
Child’s Name: My Best Friends: My Funniest Moment: My Favourite Moment: I am Especially Proud of: My Next Steps (One target): |