
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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Parent / Carer Update

Dear Parents / Carers,

Apologies once again for the late email!


Our school remains open to all pupils who wish to attend tomorrow.  As has been the case throughout the week; we fully respect and understand your decision, should you decide to not send your child to school.

School will then be closed, to the majority of pupils, from Monday.  When we have more information regarding the length of closure, I will ensure that this information is passed on to you immediately. 


Emergency Childcare Provision

We have today received some information regarding the childcare provision that will be available next week.  However, I am attending an emergency meeting at Bishopston Comprehensive tomorrow morning to try and sort the details.  I will share these with you once they have been finalised.

One aspect that has been clarified by the local authority, is that of eligibility.  From Monday, childcare will be provided only for children of essential workers.

‘In the first instance, essential workers will be all NHS staff, those employed by the emergency services, prison workers, social care workers and school staff.

To access this provision both parents / carers or a single parent/carer need to be an essential worker as noted above.’

We believe that we had several responses to yesterday’s form, which do not fit this criteria.  We have been asked to send out a second form, to all those who responded, to clarify exactly how many parents are eligible for the provision.  We will send this out tomorrow.


Thank you

Lastly, on behalf of myself and the staff, I would like to say thank you to those who have contacted the school, over the past week, with messages of support.  It is a difficult time for everyone, but these messages really impact positively on morale and are always appreciated greatly.


Thank you again,

Mr. Cox
