
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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  • Return to School - Information Letter 2

    Mon 22 Jun 2020
  • Return to School - Frequently Asked Questions (Revised)

    Mon 22 Jun 2020
  • Return to School - Mayals Information and Questionnaire

    Tue 16 Jun 2020 Mr. Cox

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    As always, I hope that this letter finds you and your families well?!


    Firstly, can I thank you for your support and patience over the past couple of weeks?  As you will be aware, all schools in Swansea have been working hard to make preparations for the reopening of schools, on the 29th June.  This has of course, required a lot of thought, debate, and preparation in order for us to be in a position to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our children, staff and families to return to.


    Within this letter, I hope to outline the processes that we plan to put in place at Mayals, from June 29th 2020.  I hope that this will help you to make a more informed decision, as to whether you would like your child/ren to return to school before the summer break.



    Local Authority Position:


    Across Swansea, schools have been given a set of principles, which they should consider when making arrangements for returning to school.  It is understood that all schools will have different circumstances and factors to negotiate; and for this reason, processes may look very different from one school to another. 

    When considering these principles, the local authority’s and schools’ primary focus must be the physical and emotional wellbeing of staff and learners.


    Planned Processes at Mayals:


    Below, are the broad guidelines that set out our return to school, on June 29th.  These are subject to change.  When we have a clearer idea of the exact number of children who are returning, we will be back in contact to give you specific information about the times and dates we are offering your child/ren. 



    The school will be open to pupils on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.



    The school will be closed (except for emergency childcare) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for deep cleaning.



    Each year group will be split into thirds.  One third (Group A) will attend school on a Monday, another third (Group B) will attend school on a Wednesday, and the final third (Group C) will attend school on a Friday. 



    During week 1 (week beginning June 29th); only Key Stage 2 classes will attend school.  On the second week (week beginning July 6th); only Foundation Phase classes will attend school.  Having smaller numbers in school on these weeks, will allow better opportunity for the children to become familiar with the new environment and increased expectations of safety.



    On weeks 3 and 4, pupils from both Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 will attend school.  (NB This will depend on current climate, staffing capacity, and efficacy of safety measures).

    If achieved, this will have allowed each child to be offered three opportunities to be in school, over the four weeks.



    All siblings will attend school on the same day.  Unfortunately, due to logistics, parents will not be able to choose which group their child is in, and pupils will not be able to move between groups.





    Parents will be notified which group their child/ren will be in, when we have a clearer picture of the number of children that will be returning.



    There will be no more than 10 pupils in a class, each day.  There will be two members of staff in each class (this will typically be the ‘normal’ class teacher and teaching assistant for that class).



    School start times, finish times, break times and lunch times will all be staggered.  Parents will be asked to drop off / collect all siblings at the same time.



    Clear social distancing expectations and frequent hand washing opportunities will be consistent across the school.



    When in class, the main focus of sessions, will be to address the emotional wellbeing of every child.  Activities will involve looking at the impact that this crisis may have had on children.  Pupils will also have opportunities to briefly visit basic language and maths concepts. 



    Where possible, learning will take place outdoors.



    Pupils will be given their own set of equipment (e.g. pencil, pen, rubber, etc).  Resources will not be shared between pupils.



    Break times will be different to ‘usual’.  Unfortunately, no shared resources will be able to be used.



    The main means of education will continue to be home learning.  We will continue to provide online learning opportunities for every child, and will also be looking to develop further processes to re-invigorate learning, over the final few weeks.

    (Teachers will now focus their attention to home learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays).



    All parents will be asked to sign a new ‘Parent/School’ agreement, which will clearly establish agreed processes and procedures. (More information will follow).


    No school lunches will be provided.  All children must bring their own lunch, snacks, drinks for the day.



    Unfortunately, there will be no Breakfast Club, Wraparound or After School Club provision available, until at least the end of July.



    All processes will be evaluated and reviewed constantly.  They will be dynamic, and subject to change, in response to this turbulent situation.  The safety of our children, staff, and families will always remain our main consideration.





    Emergency Childcare Hub (ECH):


    The Emergency Childcare Hub will continue to run, at the school, up until Friday July 24th.  As yet, we have had no guidance as to what will happen after this time, however we have been told that the provision will not be run by schools.


    From June 29th to July 24th, the ECH will run from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 3.30pm.


    As has always been the case, this provision should only ever be used as a ‘last resort’, and is only to be accessed by the children of key workers and by our most vulnerable children.  Parents are strongly advised to consider their usual childcare arrangements first.


    As of June 29th, all parents using the ECH (whether new parents to the service, or existing parents) will be asked to provide a letter to certify that they have key worker status.


    Available capacity will be dependent of available staff and room space.  Should demand for the service increase above available capacity; measures of priority would need to be followed.  These will be made clear, when clarified by the local authority. 


    If you believe that you will require use of the hub (either before, or once we return to school, then please do let me know).





    Will your child/ren return to school?


    I fully understand that there is a lot of information within this document, and you will inevitably still have questions that you would like to ask.  By following this link, you will be directed to a Frequently Asked Questions section on our website, where I hope you will find more information to help inform your decision (




    When you have had the opportunity to read and consider the information, please could you complete the very short questionnaire:


    Within the questionnaire, you will be asked to give a definitive answer as to whether you intend for your child/ren to return to school during the first two weeks of opening (KS2 29.06.20 or FP 06.07.20). 

    We ask that this decision not be changed, so that we have a clear idea of the number of children to expect. 


    All pupils that we do not receive a response for, we will regard as ‘Not Attending’, and unfortunately, your child/ren will not be permitted to attend during the first two weeks.


    You will need to complete a separate questionnaire for each of your children. 


    Parents must respond to the questionnaire by 6pm on Thursday June 18th


    Parents will have the opportunity to review their decision, after the first two weeks.  Another questionnaire will be sent out before Week 3 (week beginning 13.07.20).



    As always, thank you for taking the time to read these documents.


    Please remember that we are here to support you, and are available to help, should you have any concerns, questions or queries.  These could directed to your child’s class teacher, by contacting the school, or by sending them directly to me (


    We are very much looking forward to hearing from you, and seeing you all again soon.


    Yours sincerely,

    Mr Leon Cox

  • Return to School - Information and Questionnaire

    Tue 16 Jun 2020
  • Parent / Carer Update - 12.06.20

    Fri 12 Jun 2020 Mr. Cox

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    We hope that you, and your families, are all keeping well?!


    With the regular home learning, the Swansea Sumdog competition, and our very first ‘Virtual Sports Week’, there has been a lot going on.  Thank you to all those who took part, and shared what you were able to achieve.  We had great fun watching them!!

    If you haven’t had a chance to take part yet, all the challenges can be found on our school website (  Please take a look and have a go – parents too!


    Below, are the latest updates from this week.  As always, could I ask that you please share this information with any families that you think are not receiving it?  Also, if you have any concerns, questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


    Best wishes to you all,

    Mr. Leon Cox




    Return to School


    Thank you to all those who completed the questionnaire, indicating your choices on a return to school.  Around two thirds of our parents responded.


    As you can imagine, we have had an extremely busy week, compiling information and beginning to prepare for our school to re-open to pupils, from June 29th.  An awful lot of advice and guidance has been released this week; and we are in the process of cross-checking our proposed plans against this advice.  Once final clarity has been given, we will be looking to share our plans with you (obviously, as soon as possible).  Thank you ever so much for your patience!


    We have however, had some updates that we are able to share with you at this point:

    • I am sorry to say; we have been notified by the local authority, that no nursery pupils (either pre Nursery or main Nursery), will be invited back to school before September.  This is a local authority principle, and will apply to all schools across Swansea.
    • All pupils, from Reception to Year 6, will have some opportunity to return to school, to ‘check in’ with their class teachers.  This will be in a very different capacity to what school was like in March, as there must be no more than one third of the school population, on the school premises at any one time.


    As stated above, we will be sharing information with you, as early as we can.  We are fully aware that many children and parents are going to be very anxious about the return – and we want to give you as much time as possible, to mentally and physically prepare.  We will do all we can to support you all (not just the children) through the transition taking place over the coming weeks.



    Emergency Childcare Hub


    The Emergency Childcare Hub, which we have been running at Bishopston Comprehensive since we closed our school building in March, will now return to Mayals. 

    As of Monday, the provision will run (as it did in Bishopston) to provide emergency childcare for our key worker parents / carers.  We have been asked to reiterate the message, that this provision should only be used as a ‘last resort’.


    Our Childcare Hub will operate at Mayals until the end of term (Friday July 24th).  However, from June 29th, when other children return to school, the arrangements will change.  The full changes are not yet clear, however we do know that the provision will only operate within school hours (i.e. 8.30am to 3.30pm).  Again, as soon as we have further guidance, we will let you know.




    Food Bank


    Thank you to all our families, who have generously kept supporting the food bank throughout this crisis. 

    Donations continue to be accepted, and can be dropped off to the Holy Cross Church, next to our school.

    Thank you again, in advance.




    Newsletters / Information


    Just a quick reminder that all our school newsletters and information can be found on our school website. 


    Should you have misplaced an email, or would like to check what has been sent out – all correspondence can be found by following this link:




    Keeping in Contact


    With all that is going on, school staff thought it would be nice to try and catch up with our children and families.  Over the past week, our staff have begun to make telephone contact.  The staff have said that it has been lovely to speak to the children and parents.  We hope that it has been helpful?!   


    It is our aim to speak to all our families before the end of next week – and then continue the process, as we move forward.  


    If you would rather not receive the call, then please notify either Mrs Edwards ( or Mrs Clay (





    Finally, I would like to congratulate everyone that completed the 1000 questions, in this week’s Swansea Sumdog Competition.  1000 questions is no mean feat!


    Across schools in Swansea, over 750 pupils participated.  We had five children, who managed to get into the top 50 on the leaderboard – a fantastic effort!!


    Congratulations to Morgan Sambrook (who finished 17th out of 750), Solomon Baker (28th), Sam Karimbeik (36th), Jacob Peters (45th), and Conn Atkinson (49th). 


    We will organise a prize for each of you, and get it to you in the post.  Well done all!!


  • Parent / Carer - LA Questionnaire - Returning to School

    Mon 08 Jun 2020 Mr. Cox

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    I do hope that you are all keeping well?!


    Can I firstly thank all of those that completed the short questionnaire, which we sent out last week.  Around two thirds of families responded, which was very helpful!

    Following on from that, can I apologise for the barrage of emails that you are receiving from us, at the moment.  As you can imagine, we are receiving new information on a daily basis, and we are trying to ensure that we keep you as fully informed as possible.


    Please find a link below, that will direct you to another questionnaire.  We have been asked, by the local authority, to send this out, and ask that all parents please complete it by June 10th.  It is important that you have your say, as the information you give will be fed back through the local authority, not the school. 


    As a school, we will be looking to share more information with you by the end of this week.  Until then, we would like to thank you for supporting us in managing the current situation and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to Mayals, safely, in the coming weeks.


    Best wishes, as always,

    Mr. Cox


  • Parent / Carer Update - 01.06.20

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Mr. Cox

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    I do hope that you are all coping well, and that the beautiful weather is helping with the difficult situation we currently find ourselves in?!

    We are now moving into the final half term of the school year.  Despite our school building being closed for the past ten weeks; our staff continue to be providing daily childcare for our key worker parents, and are constantly working hard to make sure that you are supported, in the difficult task of home learning. 


    Many children in England will be returning to school today.  As it stands, in Wales, we have had no further guidance or indication as to when measures here may be changed.  As always, as soon as we have any further information, we will be sure to share it with you.

    Despite not having an update from the Welsh Government, there are some school updates that we would like to make you aware of.  Please find these below. 

    As always, could I ask that you please share this information with any families

    queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    that you think are not receiving it?  Also, if you have any concerns, questions or

    Best wishes to you all,

    Mr. Leon Cox



    Home Learning:

    We continue to be updating our Home Learning library on Hwb / J2E.  Along with this, there are a range of links / resources available, through our school website -

    To celebrate the work that children are doing at home, we are going to trial awarding a ‘Pupil of the Week’ award, for every class.  These will be awarded every Friday, and the certificates will be posted on Twitter and Class Dojo.  We are really looking forward to seeing what the children achieve.

    (Caution – please be aware that the aim of the award is not for pupils to be in competition with each other, over home learning; it is more to re-invigorate the children’s enthusiasm towards sharing their home learning with us, and to give positive reinforcement for the hard work that they are putting in.  Our message to parents remains the same:  do not feel pressured to complete everything; do what you can do).


    Virtual Sports Day (Week):

    As we will be unable to have our School Sports Days, this year, we thought we would try and do something a little different.  Next week (starting from Monday June 8th), we will be holding our very first ‘Virtual Sports Week’. 


    Each day, our staff will be posting three challenges for the children to take on.  The children will be asked to attempt the challenges that the teacher has set; and even try to beat the teacher!  We hope that it will be a lot of fun!

    We will be sending out more information, later in the week, so please keep a look out!


    Keeping in Contact:

    We have had several requests, from parents, to be involved in online video calls (through Zoom).  Unfortunately, Zoom is not currently supported by the local authority, and we have been advised not to communicate with families through these means.  There are currently discussions ongoing for using other methods, which we will be looking at as a school, when further guidance is released by the local authority.


    Over the next few weeks, our staff will be looking to make telephone contact with all our families.  We have already spoken to lots of children (and parents), and are hoping to continue this, to try and speak to everyone.

    Please don’t see this call as a threat; we would just like to speak with yourselves, and the children; to have a quick chat and to check that you are OK, or if there is anything else that we can do to help?

    If you would rather not receive the call, then please notify either Mrs Edwards ( or Mrs Clay (



    This is a last call for the information below.  If you have not already done so, could I please ask you to forward this information to your child’s class teacher, as soon as possible.  The information that your child gives will be included in their report.  If we do not receive this information, by the end of this week, we are sorry but it will not be included in your child’s report.  Many thanks!


    Child’s Name:

    My Best Friends:

    My Funniest Moment:

    My Favourite Moment:

    I am Especially Proud of:

    My Next Steps (One target):

