
Mayals Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Mayals

"Be the best you can be"

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  • Home Learning Update

    Fri 27 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    I sincerely hope that this letter finds you, and your families, well !


    This is truly a remarkable time, where we are all getting used to living in a very different way.  We miss being in school with the children, but hope that they have started establishing new routines and are busy making the most of their time at home.



    Home Learning:

    Our teachers have been looking closely at the work that children have been accessing on Hwb, Sumdog and TT Rockstars.  Most children have made a very good start! 

    Please remember that we would love you to share what you have been doing.  Either share it with your teacher’s Hwb address, with me (CoxL32) or by tagging us in a Tweet on Twitter (@MayalsSchool).


    Over the next week, staff will be adding more resources to the ‘Home Learning’ packs, but if you are looking for something different to do in the meantime, why not try out some of the links below:







    • Or you could use the time to learn essential skills that don’t require school resources, such as:


    Learn how to tell the time,

    Learn how to tie your shoelaces,

    Learn how to make a meal,

    Learn how to get yourself dressed,

    Learn how to tidy your room at the end of every day,

    Or even, learn the words so you can sing along to your Mum or Dad’s favourite song.



    Moving Forward:

    As you know, we are all dealing with the changing picture of this crisis on a daily basis.  This week, school staff have been providing emergency childcare for the children of ‘Essential Key Workers’ at Bishopston Comprehensive.  This is due to continue next week.  There has currently been no information or indication as to when schools in Swansea will re-open for all pupils.  As and when we receive any information, we will be sure to share it with you.


    Please remember, we are here should you need to contact us during the time of school closure.  This can be done through the contact page on the new school website, or through email to  We will try our best to get back to you the same day.


    Wishing you all the best of health at this very difficult time.


    Take care,

    Mr. Cox


  • Letter to Parents / Carers

    Sat 21 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    At the end of a week of uncertainty and change, it feels that now the weekend is here, it is time to breathe a deep sigh of relief.  However, as we are all fully aware, this is very much the beginning of a long and difficult time for us all. 


    The term ‘unprecedented’ is currently being used frequently throughout the media, and there is no doubt that these are very unique times and circumstances; where we will be required to work for one another, across the nation, to deal with this crisis.


    On behalf of all the staff at the school, I would like to pass on our thoughts and best wishes to all our children and families.  Please be sensible, please take care of each other, and please follow guidance.  We wholeheartedly want to see every child and family member back in school, happy and healthy, when we do finally return.


    As I mentioned earlier in the week, even though the school building is closed, we are still here if you need us.  I will access my emails on a daily basis, and can pass any messages onto staff if you need.  A reminder of the contact arrangements are below.  (I have also included a few other important reminders below).


    Once more, best wishes all.


    Mr. Cox



    Home Learning


    All our ‘Home Learning’ resources can be found on your child’s Hwb account.  An easy way to find the resources is to watch the tutorial video on our new website.  This link will take you straight to video -


    Also on our website you can find links to other educational sites, such as Sumdog, TT Rockstars, Topmarks and Oxford Owl.


    During the school closure, the resources will be added to periodically by the teaching staff.  Feel free to share any work that you have completed through Hwb.




    Emergency Childcare Provision


    Yesterday we sent out another notice about Emergency Childcare for ‘Key Workers’.  If you meet the new criteria and are in need of the childcare then it is vital that you complete and return both of the relevant forms / documentation before the end of the weekend.  If you do not, this may impact on your ability to access the provision.


    I believe that there are several families in the school community that have not yet responded to the latest email.  If you are one of those families, or you know one someone that has not seen the email, then please do get in touch with me as soon as possible.  My email address is





    We have been told by our good friends at the Holy Cross Church that if you are in urgent need of support, during the time of school closure, they are also there to help you.  Several members of our school governing body, as well as some of our parents, are actively involved with the church and will be happy to help, should you need them.


    Whilst the church have offered to help our school community, they are also trying to help the wider community.  They currently have an active food bank and have put out a request for items or donations that will be used to help people in need during this crisis.  If you are looking to donate, please either come to the church or directly to the Mumbles food bank in the Red Café.






    You will be able to contact us directly through the school email, through my personal email, or through the contact form on the new website.  The three addresses / links for these are below:



    I will be accessing the three mailboxes daily, and as long as I am well, will aim to get back to you on the same day.  If you would like to contact any of our teaching staff or our Wellbeing manager, Mrs Clay, could you please use the contacts above, rather than Class Dojo, and I will pass the message onto them.  As always, please refrain from contacting the staff through social media. 


  • Parent / Carer Update

    Thu 19 Mar 2020 Mr. Cox

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    Apologies once again for the late email!


    Our school remains open to all pupils who wish to attend tomorrow.  As has been the case throughout the week; we fully respect and understand your decision, should you decide to not send your child to school.

    School will then be closed, to the majority of pupils, from Monday.  When we have more information regarding the length of closure, I will ensure that this information is passed on to you immediately. 


    Emergency Childcare Provision

    We have today received some information regarding the childcare provision that will be available next week.  However, I am attending an emergency meeting at Bishopston Comprehensive tomorrow morning to try and sort the details.  I will share these with you once they have been finalised.

    One aspect that has been clarified by the local authority, is that of eligibility.  From Monday, childcare will be provided only for children of essential workers.

    ‘In the first instance, essential workers will be all NHS staff, those employed by the emergency services, prison workers, social care workers and school staff.

    To access this provision both parents / carers or a single parent/carer need to be an essential worker as noted above.’

    We believe that we had several responses to yesterday’s form, which do not fit this criteria.  We have been asked to send out a second form, to all those who responded, to clarify exactly how many parents are eligible for the provision.  We will send this out tomorrow.


    Thank you

    Lastly, on behalf of myself and the staff, I would like to say thank you to those who have contacted the school, over the past week, with messages of support.  It is a difficult time for everyone, but these messages really impact positively on morale and are always appreciated greatly.


    Thank you again,

    Mr. Cox

  • Coronavirus - School Closure Update

    Wed 18 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    Since writing to you this morning, it has been announced by the Minister for Education that all mainstream schools will close by Friday (March 20th) at the latest, with the Easter break being brought forward.  Her full statement can be found by following the link below:


    Our Plan

    As things stand, we are planning to remain open to all pupils until the end of this week (both Thursday and Friday).  However, as I mentioned this morning, we have been affected by staff absence and if this situation worsens over the coming days, we may need to consider phased closure before Friday.


    Home Learning

    Today, all ‘Home Learning’ resources have gone live.  By accessing our new school website you can find links to educational websites and tutorials showing you how to access the ‘Home Learning’ resources that our staff have collated.  This link will take you directly to the page:

    If you are having trouble accessing these resources, please let us know over the next couple of days.  During the school closure, the resources will be added to periodically by the teaching staff.



    I want to reassure you all that while the school building may be closing, we are still here for you, if you need us.

    You will be able to contact us directly through the school email, through my personal email, or through the contact form on the new website.  The three addresses / links for these are below:



    I will be accessing the three mailboxes daily, and as long as I am well, will aim to get back to you on the same day.  If you would like to contact any of our teaching staff or our Wellbeing manager, Mrs Clay, could you please use the contacts above, rather than Class Dojo, and I will pass the message onto them.  As always, please refrain from contacting the staff through social media. 


    Emergency Childcare Provision

    As I mentioned in the email sent out earlier this evening, the local authority are working quickly to try and organise some degree of childcare for frontline workers.  Schools have had very little information, other than being asked to try and ascertain the need in each school. 

    We were sent this request at around 3.40pm this afternoon and have been asked to submit our results by 9.00am tomorrow morning, at the latest.  Could I please ask that if you fall into any of the categories listed below, that you follow the link and (if you haven’t already done so) complete the attached form as soon as possible. 




    All public sector workers

    All care service workers (either public or private)

    Both parents who work in one of the above, or are a single parent / carer.



    I will continue to keep in touch over the next couple of days, and as soon as we know more I will be sure to pass on the information.

    To all our children and families who are in isolation; please look after yourselves and let us know if there is anything we can do.  To all our families not in isolation, try and relax tonight and we will see you in the morning.


    Best wishes,

    Mr. Cox

  • Coronavirus - Cluster Plan for Phased School Closure

    Wed 18 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    As you are aware, we are open as normal today.  Last night, there was little change to the advice and guidance that has been given by local authority.  As soon as this changes, I will be sure to inform you as soon as possible.


    Despite there being no current change in advice; due to the ongoing, and escalating COVID-19 issues, we are working with our Bishopston Cluster of schools to ensure that we are able to maintain the health and safety of all our pupils in school.


    As a cluster, we have put together the following Maintaining Learning Plan (below) in order to plan for the potential lack of staff, and it is important that you are aware of the measures that we may need to take, should it prove necessary.


    I can only apologise for not being able to give you more information on timing, as we are dealing with the scenario changing daily.  Can I again reassure you though, that all measures that we are putting in place have the wellbeing needs of our children and families firmly at the core.



    Step 1

    School open as normal:


    • All pupils attend if well
    • All staff attend if well


    NotesAny families / staff self-isolating – will do so for 14 days – if child attends before that time we will send them back home.


    Step 2

    School is open; if staffing is predicted to be low:


    • School will be open to Y1 and Y2, and KS2
    • School closed to Nursery / Reception children


    Notes:  All non-self-isolating staff will attend school. Early Years staff to be deployed throughout the school.


    Step 3

    School is open; if staffing is predicted to be critically low:


    • School will be open to KS2 only


    Notes:  All non-self-isolating staff will attend school.  Foundation Phase staff to be deployed throughout the school.


    Step 4

    School is closed; If the school has been instructed to close by LA / Government


    • School will be closed to all children and staff



    Along with the plan, we have been asked to reiterate the vital direction given on Monday regarding self-isolation, which states:


    If anyone in a household is showing symptoms of COVID-19 namely a new persistent cough and/or fever, everyone in that house should self-isolate for 14 days.


    Please check the latest advice regarding self-isolation as it is getting stricter by the day.


    As I mentioned earlier, we will continue to monitor the advice regarding possible school closures, and when any more details become clear, as ever, we will keep you fully informed as the situation develops.  We will try, as much as possible, to give you as much advance notice as we can.


    I would again like to thank you all for your support and cooperation at these difficult times.  As always, if you have any concerns, question or queries regarding the current situation please do not hesitate to get in touch.


    Best wishes,

    Mr. Cox

  • Coronavirus - Letter to Parents 3 - 16.03.20

    Mon 16 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    Since writing to you yesterday, there has been little change in what is happening in schools in Swansea, or indeed Wales.  Despite the Prime Minister advising that we should be avoiding social interaction as much as possible, this appears to not currently apply to schools and we have been told to remain open as normal.  All Swansea schools have been sent the following guidance in the last half hour:


    We want to reassure residents that, in collaboration with our partners, all necessary steps will be taken to ensure the wellbeing of our communities.

    At the moment council services remain open. Following the government announcement today we will be assessing the position and making further detailed announcements tomorrow.

    Government guidance is that schools should remain open for the time being. The message to parents is that, as in other areas of Wales, schools will open tomorrow as normal and the position will be kept under continuous review.

    Residents and parents are urged to follow the Government’s revised social distancing guidelines and anyone who is experiencing symptoms should continue to follow Public Health Wales advice which can be found here:


    Today, some parents took the decision to keep their children off school – this is a decision that we respect and understand.  For the children that are coming to school, could I please bring your attention to the following additional measures that we are putting in place:


    Morning Drop-Off:

    As we practised this morning, we will not be asking the children to line up on the yard before coming into class.  All staff will be in their classrooms and doors will be open form 8.40am.  As soon as pupils arrive, and up until 8.55am, they should come straight into class and not wait to line up on the yard.  Breakfast club pupils will be escorted to class as normal.  The side gate will be locked at 8.55am, so children that arrive after this time must be signed in at the main reception as normal.  We are doing this in an aim to avoid having large groups of people on the yard having to wait for school to start.

    As soon as pupils arrive at school we will be asking them to wash their hands.  Could you please also remind them as you drop them off?


    End of School Collection:

    From tomorrow, the side gate will be open from 3.00pm.  The children will be ready and you will be able to collect them any time from then.  If you make your way to your child’s class door, the staff will hand your children to you.  Please do not feel that it is now compulsory that you collect your children at 3.00pm, it is merely an option to try and spread the flow of people and limit the amount that are in the yard at the same time.

    Could we please ask that families do not congregate in the yard once you have collected your children.


    Water bottles:

    As of today, the school water fountains are out of commission.  Could we please remind you to ensure that your child brings a drinks bottle to school with them.  It is also important that we remind them not to share with their friends.


    Finally, I must say that the children have been absolutely brilliant in listening to guidance.  As a result, we have managed to have a relatively normal day in school, which has been a relief given the current situation. 


    As you know, guidance is changing constantly and we are monitoring it very closely.  Please again be reassured that we are doing whatever is necessary to protect the interests of our children, and of school community.  As soon as we have more information, we will be sure to share this with you.


    Many thanks,

    Mr. Cox

  • Coronavirus - Letter to Parents 2 - 15.03.20

    Sun 15 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    I am sorry to email you on a Sunday evening, but I would like to update you following the latest advice we have received relating to the Coronavirus illness.


    All Swansea schools have today received the following statement from the local authority:


    As we continue to follow UK, Welsh Government and Public Health Wales advice, the Council has advised us that all schools in Swansea are open as normal on Monday. The situation is being kept under continuous review and we will advise immediately if something changes. It is also worth noting that the number of days any school is open and the date of school holidays are decided by the Welsh Government and not the Council’.

    No additional measures need to be taken above the advice already provided by Public Health Wales.

    If you need any further information please go to: and there is also general information here for the public:


    We know that parents and carers are naturally going to be worried about the implications for their children and families. We would again like to reassure you that our primary concern is to take all necessary measures to protect children, staff and visitors in our school. We are in constant communication with other schools in the cluster, with Public Health Wales and with the Local Authority regarding the health and safety of our school community. 


    I am pleased to report that, to date, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 connected to the school either directly or indirectly. However, as a duty of care, we will inform you of any developments if this situation changes.


    Whilst the links above give detail of the steps we could be taking, as a cluster of schools, we have created a checklist of advice that can be used alongside the proactive steps that we have already put in place, to help prevent the virus.  Please take the time to discuss the points below with your children:


    Advice for children


    • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue  (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
    • If possible, bring to school your own disposable tissues and follow the advice “Catch it! Kill it! Bin it!”
    • Bring to school your own water bottle, as not to require using the water fountain.


    DO NOT

    • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
    • Share any food or drinks with anyone else (including using the water fountain)


    Advice for parents and carers


    • Speak with your child about good hygiene as above
    • Visit the following sites for the latest information, should you need it:

    • Update the school about any illness in your family or any concerns you have about contact with the Coronavirus
    • Update the school regarding any travel plans
    • Follow the guidelines on self-isolation with your children


    DO NOT

    • Be drawn into speculation or believe false information on social media



    As we continue to follow UK, Welsh Government and Public Health Wales advice, the Local Authority has advised us that all schools should open as normal on Monday (as shown in the statement overleaf). The situation is being kept under continuous review and we will advise you immediately if something changes.


    If you have any concerns, please do contact the school. The health and wellbeing of our children and families is our greatest priority. Please be reassured that we will do whatever is necessary to protect the interests of our school community and we will keep you updated at each stage.


    Kind regards,

    Mr. L. Cox

  • Coronavirus - Letter to Parents 13.03.20

    Fri 13 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    We fully understand that this is a difficult time for everyone; full of uncertainty and constantly changing messages.  Guidance that we are receiving, as schools, is being updated on a regular basis to reflect current national advice. 

    As a school, we wanted to pass on the most recent information that we have been given.  We hope that the information will help go some way to helping reassure parents and children that we are all working together to keep everyone healthy.

    We have been told to monitor the latest advice from Welsh Government by using the following link: have also attached the letter that schools have received from the Director of Education for Swansea, Nick Williams.

    As days pass, we are sure that the messages given to educational settings across the country will change.  As soon as we have more up to date knowledge, we will immediately share this with our school community.

    Should you have any concerns, questions or queries please do come in and see us.

    Kind regards,

    Mr. L. Cox

  • Newsletter - 13.03.20

    Fri 13 Mar 2020
  • Parent Questionnaire

    Tue 10 Mar 2020 Mr. C

    Please click on the picture link to find the QR code that will direct you to the Parent Questionnaire 2020.


    Your support is very much appreciated!
